Easily find your sample today, from our unrivaled pool of 200k+ active, verified, and engaged participants. And use your usual survey or experiment tools to run studies.

Expect the highest-quality responses
Comparison studies show that Prolific participants pay more attention, and give honest, fuller answers.
We verify and monitor our pool with 35+ different checks. Participants stay motivated, with a set minimum reward.
Don't spend money on replacing unreliable data.
Get reliable data from the start.

Choose participants using 300+ free filters
See exactly how many people are likely to respond with our active participant count. Set quotas or collect representative samples at no extra cost.
Easily find, message, and follow up with participants for longitudinal or multi-part studies. Participants are always kept anonymous.

Set up quickly and collect responses in minutes
Connect surveys or experiments you’ve created in other tools with just a link. Or integrate via our API.
Stay in control and move fast. Pay as you go and set studies live whenever you like.
Responses are complete in just 2 hours on average.
Get support at every step
We're here to help your research succeed.
Sign up for free and start seeing responses in minutes
Examples of academic research on Prolific
We support any field that needs human insight or feedback.