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Take interesting paid tasks from anywhere, whenever you want.

Become a research participant for world-leading brands

Choose Prolific

Earn money. Have fun. Advance human knowledge.

Earn a minimum of $8.00 an hour per task
We always reward you with real money, no gift cards or cashback. Track your progress with a clear view of your earnings and submissions.
Varied tasks. Complete flexibility.
A new task is published every 2 minutes. All tasks you receive are tailored to you and completely voluntary—exit any time, for any reason.
Share your data safely
We keep any and all data you share with us secure. Earn money with peace of mind, knowing you're fully protected.
Transform your insights into extra cash

Join our waitlist. Accept your invite. Get verified in 15 minutes.

Sign up
Join our waitlist in 3 minutes. We’ll invite you as soon as possible.
Accept your invite
Once tasks are available, you’ll get an exclusive invite.
Get verified
It takes just 15 minutes to verify your identity and complete a short practice task.
Start earning
You’ll get tasks sent straight to your dashboard. Choose one and get started!
Example studies

Explore, contribute, and learn from a variety of interesting tasks

Collaborate with the world's top AI researchers, business leaders, and academics—all using Prolific to learn about human behavior.

Explore human behavior
Play decision-making games. Take reflective questionnaires. Help critical research on emotions, personalities, and relationships.
Improve AI
Make AI more reliable and inclusive. Evaluate machine learning models and consider key questions about AI and human interaction.
Influence new products and brands
Share your opinions on website designs, digital influencers, and fresh brands. Shape the products and services of tomorrow.

Frequently asked research participant questions

Is Prolific legit?
Prolific has been a trusted platform for over a decade. We connect you with top researchers who value your insights - and make sure your contributions lead to real impact. With clear processes, fast payments, and a commitment to fairness, we respect your time and make sure your voice is heard. Read real examples of the impact your contributions can have in our case studies.
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What is Prolific?
Prolific was co-founded at Oxford University in 2014. Created by researchers for researchers, we built Prolific to provide a better way to get high-quality human data and input for research. We have always put humans at the forefront of online research, which is why we offer higher payment than many other survey platforms.
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How will I get paid?
After your first 4 cashouts, payments are instantly transferred to your PayPal. You'll always receive cash, never gift cards or points. Once you've earned at least $6/£6, you can cash out directly from your Prolific account.
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Can I choose which tasks I take?
Prolific is entirely opt-in by design. You can filter your tasks by what matters to you, be that reward, time, or another preference. Eligibility filters also ensure that all tasks you receive are tailored to your profile. You can exit a task at any time, for any reason.
Is my data safe?
We ensure your data is always secure and used fairly. All your data is securely stored in the cloud, and we never share it with third-party advertisers.
Are Prolific participants happy?
We ensure your experience on Prolific is always positive and rewarding. This means fair payment for tasks, the freedom to participate voluntarily, and a dedicated, human support team ready to assist you. No matter what, your experience will always be our priority.
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